So the first theory that I saw floating around about Taehyung, is TWICE is at a BTS concert. Perhaps this could just be an award show and BTS was just performing. TWICE was not in the audience where the mainstage was but they were in what looked like another room outside the auditorium. check out the pic below.
Everyone was goofing off, there were camera’s going but not the TV cameras, just probably TWICE staff recording behind-the-scenes moments, and they were all slapping each other to The beat of what BTS was singing.
And she even did a V here when she lied down. That to me is a coincidence because the hand V also means peace. And what people do when they have no idea what to do in photos or videos.
Also if they were looking to support BTS or Taehyung in a more romantic way, why wouldn’t Sana or the other members be right there in the audience listening to BTS.
Why are they literally not in the concert hall? I can’t imagine they weren’t allowed to watch or at least be by the door watching if they weren’t actually allowed in the room.

This isn’t to say they couldn’t care less about BTS but maybe to them, it was just another group performing. "I don’t think this is how I would act if I was dating someone. I would probably try my best to sneak a peek at their performances and more opportunities to see them".
There are other moments at award shows where they would cross each other’s path and bow to each other. Or make eye contact as per usual. We all know in Kpop fandom when idols make eye contact, it’s powerful.
It’s eye contact that needs protection. It’s eye contact that will require them to have to pay child support. So they have to be careful with that. "I am 9 months pregnant thanks to Taehyung just so you know". But joking aside, obviously, those moments aren’t entirely valid but it does validate the claim that they do know each other.
Maybe they keep up with each other’s music or at the very least casual listeners. I think it’s okay to listen to other artists, get inspiration and decide what concepts you
may want to do for your comeback.
So if you see BTS paving the way and creating really big trends, you as an artist can look at that and be like “okay so right now EDM is really in and trendy, maybe if we want to sell more albums for our comeback, let’s make an EDM album.” That sort of thing. Which is a very common practice in the entertainment industry.
Obviously not ripping each other off but just following the trends.
There was a clip that was leaked of TWICE backstage, I can’t tell you exactly where this clip came from or what this is about.
Or even like the event was. It looked like an album release if I am going, to be honest. And people were shocked to see BTS playing on their TV while Sana was very closely or appeared to be closely watching it.
It didn’t seem like there was an audience there. This is why we assumed it was backstage. There were cameras, there were also people just lounging around and relaxing on their Phones.
It looked like it was entirely just staff. So people took this as that TWICE or Sana does like Taehyung because she is watching Taehyung. I find this concept very interesting because it comes up over and over again.
But some of the quote-unquote evidence that is used to prove idols are dating is that they’ll use a clip of an idol in the car talking and then in the background you can hear let’s say, BTS and their song playing. Then people will say “look they’re listening and supporting, they must be together.
And it’s like it could just be the radio playing. It’s very important for artists to listen to other artists. It’s not just about being inspired and whatever. It’s the same reason why it’s so important for us as non-celebrities to be listening to what is on the radio and watching movies and all that.
It’s important to acknowledge culture, which comes from art. It’s important to know what is trendy right now and know what people like to listen to Now. I’m very into
jazz, and
RnB, music as well as
Pop. But if I were to create an album now and I expect the songs to chart or hope it would. I may not release a jazz or RnB album as it’s not trendy right now.
And so it’s important to acknowledge the culture and know that. This is why it’s important for every artist right now to listen to the top artists such as BTS and etc… This doesn’t mean they’re dating. It means they’re doing research, I guess. And also what are they supposed to do if they’re not dating BTS.
They’re going to say
“well I’m just going to turn off the radio because it’s BTS playing and not my own music. I only listen to my own music" No one does that. But a lot of people definitely thought this was the case. This was for sure used as kind of evidence that they’re together.
I do think they support each other but maybe not dating. Like you clearly see in the Picture below How
V also know as
taehung supports
Twice song
Cheer Up
Although I can understand the thought because they’re both gorgeous and Taehyung is always super flirty. So if a cute girl such as Sana comes up to Taehyung people think they would hit it off and Taehyung would be super flirty towards her and then they’d ride off into the sunset.
"But why doesn’t anyone have that fantasy with me and Taehyung? I deserve to at least date him in people’s dreams" The only place where it’s possible. Taehyung is definitely super flirty and I think that is why he literally almost kills ARMY’s all the time. And he knows that.
There’s this story floating around, which you may have heard about, of Taehyung making eye contact with an ARMY while on stage, then saying I love you in Korean, and then giving his hot guy smirk towards her. It was rumored that an ARMY actually fainted. I don’t know if this is true or not and can’t confirm. I don't have the exact picture but I knew how V would look like.
"I think it’s 100% possible for someone to faint if that happened to them because for sure I probably would have" But I just feel like if that happened, Taehyung would never do that to ARMY ever again.
Similar to how they don’t even make a reaction at award shows anymore when watching other idols sing or perform because people will think they’re dating. And I think Taehyung still does the smirk. So maybe he didn’t know. Who knows?
There was this other clip that leaked. This took place in one of their previous concerts. Remember that? A time where we were shoulder to shoulder at a concert venue.
"Seems like another generation ago, to be honest. The real question I would like to know the answer to. Given how we’ve been almost germaphobic the last year or so, would you go to places like crowded concerts or just really overpopulated places, anymore. Or is that a more permanent change for you now and something you’re not interested in doing anymore?
But anywho, in one of the previous concerts, it was alleged that there was this extremely beautiful ARMY who had attended the concert and Taehyung even constantly kept going back and forth to this ARMY to see her.
Of course, every ARMY wants to be here now. Taehyung literally towards the end of the concert made a V line towards her. Hey, that's a weird unintentional pun.
But he headed towards her and then gestured for her hand, grabbed her head, held it, and rubbed it. Like is her hand pregnant now? "Taehyung I also have hands, you can do whatever you want with them He probably wants my hands far away from him Very romantic"
Taehyung gave her a finger heart thing and it was just so cute. I hope the girl hadn’t gotten any type of serious backlash or hate. But maybe we can see from this, that this here is Taehyung type of gal.
Suddenly I am a gal. I am kidding but I often do think Taehyung has good taste in people and is a good judge of character. I think he is able to see who really likes him and is there to enjoy the show.
First off, she was in the front row, so those tickets are extra. So she definitely had to maybe save up for that but more specifically she had to have been ready to checkout immediately.
Because even those tickets sell out in two seconds. Such a beautiful moment. Getting those front row tickets if you are going back to try to see them when they do concerts again is very valuable. One they do the high touch so you can touch them.
But also there was one moment before where JHope was wearing this red pouch. And he literally gave away to this ARMY in the front row and that’s just so beautiful. The fan was clearly a JHope stan and that probably meant so much to her. Check Out
I mean what does the We Army wants?? V touching faces and Jhope Giving his Pouch. I truly STAN BTS.💗😍